Portal Flexible Smartphone

OK, so we know you’re all completely bored of the #Bendgate drama surrounding the iPhone 6 by this point, but what about a phone that is actually designed to bend? That’s the premise behind Portal, a smartphone having a crowdfunding run on Indiegogo right now.

Portal is flexible, shatterproof, water resistant, and you can even wear it on your wrist. We’re not totally sold on the wearing it on your wrist part, but the rest of that all sounds pretty interesting. The device uses a bendable 6-inch OLED display that comes wrapped in a shell that’s virtually shatterproof — basically solving the two main problems users typically experience with their iPhones in one go.

This is a crowdfunding project after all, so a hefty dose of skepticism is definitely warranted, but if the creators can live up to expectations it’s hard to deny that this will be an interesting device. Is it worth risking your money on though? That’s a tough call. If you’re feeling particularly bold (or flush) right now, you can head over to the Indiegogo page and pledge $399 to receive one of the first Portal smartphones in September 2015.

UPDATE: As of the time of writing, the Indiegogo page for the project has been taken down. The creators sent out a press release citing an intellectual property claim as the basis for its disappearance. We’re not sure if the campaign will come online again soon, but we’ll make sure to post an update when we know.

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